Class 2 2024 - 2025
Miss Murphy
Here you will find what we have been learning each term.
You will also see updates on our Facebook page and in Seesaw.
Spring 1
This half term in English, we will be reading The Dragon Machine by Helen Ward.
In our math’s sessions this half term, we will be learning about addition and subtraction.
Our PE day is Tuesday with Mr Ford.
Please ensure your child attends school in full PE kit on these days: plain dark jogging bottoms, a plain white t-shirt, school jumper/hoodie and comfortable trainers.
It is important children read their book at home everyday. This is to help develop fluency and prosody.
Each child will take two books home with them each week: a phonetically decodable book for them to read and reread; and a book to share with a grown up. The purpose of this is to ignite a love of reading and stories in the children but also so they can hear adults model reading on a regular basis.
Children also have access to Spelling Shed, Numbots and Bug Club. Their log in details are provided in their reading records.