Class 5 2024 - 2025

Miss Baker

Mrs Johnson

Welcome to Class 5

This is our class page where you will find out what we have been learning and enjoying each term.

You can also find updates on Mrs Baker at The Brow on Facebook.

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Mrs Baker (Teacher), Mrs Johnson (Teaching Assistant)



What will we learn in Spring 2?


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In our Maths sessions this half term, we will be diving into Fraction.

We will be learning to:

Add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers.

Multiply a fraction by an integer.

Find a fraction of an amount.

Multiply and divide up to 4-digit numbers.

Find equivalent fractions and decimals (tenths, hundredths and thousandths)


Our Curriculum driver for this half term is Geography:


In Geography, we will be investigating the climate in the Alps. We will be exploring the human and physical features of the area and comparing these to Runcorn.

Geography Spring 2.jpg




This half term in Science, we will be exploring Earth and Space. We will investigate the solar system and its orbit, considering different theories using our critical thinking skills.

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This half term we will be developing our skills in Dance and Skittle Ball.

Our PE days this half term are Tuesday and Wednesday.

Please ensure your child attends school in full PE kit on these days: plain dark jogging bottoms, a plain white t-shirt, school jumper/hoodie and coomfortable trainers.



Screenshot 2022-01-19 4.10.16 PM.png       Seesaw Honeycomb Icon by Yoon0117 on DeviantArt

Homework will be set weekly on our home learning platforms: TT rockstars, Spelling Shed and Bug Club.

We would like children to focus on engaging with reading regularly throughout the week - every day if possible.

The children will be set research tasks in preparation for the next half term of learning. They can access this via SeeSaw (click the logo to access).

Please see Mrs Baker for more infomation if you need it.




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We Respect. We LearnWe Are Happy.

Get In Touch


The Clough, Halton, Runcorn WA7 2HB

Headteacher : Mrs L. Webb

01928 563089

[email protected]

Admin Officer : Mrs J. Formby

[email protected]

Office Manager : Mrs B. Dale

[email protected]

Deputy Headteacher | Sendco : Mrs J. Jones

[email protected]