Class 4 2024 - 2025

Miss Guilfoyle

Welcome to Class 4

This is our class page where you will find out what we are learning each term.


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                                Miss Guilfoyle - Class Teacher                         Mrs Gill - Teaching Assistant


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                              Mrs Turner - HLTA and Pupil Support                      Mr Ford - PPA Cover Teacher


Spring Term 2 information

Our PE days for Spring 1 are Tuesday outdoors (Orienteering) and Thursday indoors (Dance).

Mr Ford will be in Class 4 to cover Miss Guilfoyle's PPA time every Friday morning. 



What will we be learning in Spring 2?



                 reading writing poetry.PNG

 akiri.jpg    Whenthegiantstirred.jpg      Windrush child.PNG


Ariki and the Island of Wonders                     When the Giant Stirred                        Windrush Child
             Nicola Davies                                                 Celia Godkin                                          John Agard

 In our Maths lessons this half term, we will be looking at Area and Perimeter and Fractions
  In Computing we are learning about data collection, in Music we are learning about Samba and in Spanish we are learning about members of our family and parts of the face. In P.S.H.E. we are learning about health and wellbeing. In R.E. we are thinking about the question, "Why do Muslims celebrate Ramadan?" In DT this half term we will be creating a pavillion structure. 


Our Curriculum Driver for this half term is: History

Lets say Ancient Maya.PNG


In History, pupils will discover an Ancient Mayan Civilisation. They will develop their understanding of how the Ancient Mayans settled, explore Ancient Mayan beliefs and investigate the decline of Ancient Maya. 





In Science, pupils will look at how to identify and group living things. They will develop their understanding around how living things can be grouped based on their characteristics. In addition, pupils will investigate how the environment is changing and how this impacts animals and their habitats.




In PE, pupils will be developing their skills in Dance and Outdoor Orienteering

Our PE days for this half term will be: Tuesday and Thursday 

Please ensure your child attends school in full PE kit on these days: plain dark jogging bottoms, a plain white t-shirt, school jumper/hoodie and comfortable trainers. 


What a week in Class 4 will look like: 

Timetable 2025 SP2.PNG


Homework for this half term is to read as often as possible. Children are also encouraged to access TTRS and SpellingShed at home.



Please see Miss Guilfoyle or Mrs Gill for more information if you need it.










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Class 4: Calendar items

Blue Planet Aquarium Trip, by Mrs Formby

We Respect. We LearnWe Are Happy.

Get In Touch


The Clough, Halton, Runcorn WA7 2HB

Headteacher : Mrs L. Webb

01928 563089

[email protected]

Admin Officer : Mrs J. Formby

[email protected]

Office Manager : Mrs B. Dale

[email protected]

Deputy Headteacher | Sendco : Mrs J. Jones

[email protected]