Class 3C 2024 - 2025

Mrs Cottam

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Class 3G 2024 - 2025

Welcome to our Class Page

I am your teacher Mrs Cottam and I am your teaching assistant Miss Barton

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This is our class page where you will find out what we have been learning and enjoying in school. 

Remember to use your Seesaw account for regular updates of your child's learning achievements. 

You can also follow @mrscottamatthebrow on Facebook for updates.

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Welcome to our new class and to our new Reception starters. 

We are delighted that you have chosen our school and look forward to welcoming you and your child into our Brow family in September. We hope that the information on this page may answer any questions that you may have about your child starting school.

Learning new skills is so important in our class however, we do a lot of our learning through play! In EYFS, the children can follow their own interests; topics are often catered to what the children like. EYFS is a creative, fun and warm environment to explore and learn in. We focus on subjects such as Phonics, Literacy and Numeracy, as these are the fundamental areas of Early Learning. As well as learning new educational skills, we work on becoming members of a new school community. We learn to form new friendships, be more independent, follow structures and routines and to let our big personalities shine!

Learning Environment

In our class, children choose where to go and what to do from the moment they arrive – they initiate their own learning and adults join them and support them in their pursuits. We constantly assess and review our resources (as well as the different areas), making changes as necessary. We learn both indoors and outdoors. We love being outside in all weather conditions so we come to school prepared with wellington boots and waterproof clothes. We also have Physical Education lessons in the school hall and in the multi-games area on the playground. 

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What will we learn during this term? 

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Our Speech and Language Priorities this term are

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Please ensure children wear PE kits to school on a Monday and Thursday

Indoor PE kit is White t-shirt, navy shorts, black pumps.

Ourdoor PE kit is: White t-shirt, navy jogging bottoms, school hoodie and trainers.


The children will earn rewards for demonstrating positive behaviour, positive attitudes towards learning and working towards our school three school rules:

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The children will receive praise points for individual behaviours and class points for whole class efforts. When 20 class points have been awarded the children will choose their class reward.

One child each week will also be rewarded with star of the week. If excellent work or achievement has been demonstrated the children may get to visit Mrs Webb and show their work. Mrs Cottam and Miss Barton will always be watching to see who earns a place on our class 'shout out' board for excellent behaviour!


We will be using the Seesaw app to communicate with you about your child's learning and achievements. You will receive an information booklet and instruction sheet explaining how to log on. We will post photos of what we have been learning in class and any other information we feel that you need to know. 

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Curriculum and learning will be delivered based on basic skills and individual speech targets.  All speech targets will be set by and following an assessment review with a Communicate Speech and Language Therapist.  Once we have received copies of plans, parents will be sent a copy of the Speech and Language Care Plans. These targets will be taught discretely as well as being weaved into the curriculum.

Writing, Reading & Speech

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We read a class book with the children in class every day.  The pupils will complete reading on a weekly basis linked to their phonics assessment outcomes. 

The 'BIG TALK' during reading we are looking at different pictures and asking/answering questions:

         Who?                                       What?                                    Where?

         When?                                      How?                                       Why?


It is important children read their book at home everyday. This is to help develop fluency and prosody but also the enjoyment of sharing a book. 

Each child will take two books home with them each week: a phonetically decodable book for them to read and reread; and a book to share with a grown up. The purpose of this is to ignite a love of reading and stories in the children but also so they can hear adults model reading on a regular basis. 

Children also have access to Numbots and Bug Club. Their log in details are provided in their reading records. 

Please read the letter from Miss Murphy, reading lead, with details about Reading and Phonics this year:


Please support your child through reading and game based activities via the Seesaw app.These language activities will support your child's speech deevelopment and help them work towards targets set on their support plans. 

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Every child will need to bring a clearly labelled water bottle which we encourage them to drink throughout the day alongside other drinks. If you would like your child to bring in a piece of fruit they can do so or a healthy snack such as crackers or breadsticks.


We value learning outside of the classroom. We use the outdoors every day as part of our curriculum offer to enrich our learning. We have fantastic school grounds with two woodland areas and a large playground. The children will be taking part in Outdoor Play in the EYFS garden (daily for the Reception children and at least once a week for our older children).


We enjoy a range of activities linked to our well-being. We talk about our feelings with our Colour Mood Monster and take part in peer massage, music and movement, nursery rhymes and fine motor activities on a daily basis.The children will be able to access a sensory area both within the classroom and in the outdoors. 


ITS Colorful Semantics                                                                                             


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C3C Assembly, by Mrs Formby

We Respect. We LearnWe Are Happy.

Get In Touch


The Clough, Halton, Runcorn WA7 2HB

Headteacher : Mrs L. Webb

01928 563089

[email protected]

Admin Officer : Mrs J. Formby

[email protected]

Office Manager : Mrs B. Dale

[email protected]

Deputy Headteacher | Sendco : Mrs J. Jones

[email protected]